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Showing posts from May, 2019

My Spiritual GPS

In conversation with friends the topic of favorite spiritual writers came up. New books, recent articles, favorite quotes from various sources were shared. And then someone offered the following question: Who is your spiritual GPS? A few moments of silence and then a lively discussion ensued! I was at first intrigued by the question and then there he was with his various publications lining my book shelves! Henri Nouwen! He was a Dutch priest, professor, spiritual writer, and theologian. He based his thesis for an advanced degree on the work of Anton Boisen, an American minister who founded Clinical Pastoral Education, the training and education undertaken by every board-certified hospital and hospice chaplain. I did not know this about Henri Nouwen until much later in my spiritual journey with him. As a board-certified chaplain I appreciated him and his work even more. Fr. Nouwen focused on psychology, pastoral ministry, spirituality, social justice, and commun...

3V Clergy Speak Out Against Hate and Violence

The courage to say NO to hate

I was going to write this blog about something different, but the recent events, especially the most recent shooting in a San Diego synagogue on the last day of Passover have totally occupied my thoughts.   I am preparing a small service for my students for Yom HaShaoah- Holocaust Remembrance Day.   We usually light a candle and read some poems and sing a song.   I felt I needed to do more this year.   The Holocaust is not some distant past event of history.   The students have seen videos of Nazis marching on the streets of American cities yelling anti-Semitic slogans.   Houses of worship are targets of violence of hate all over the globe, including 2 synagogues here in our country. These acts of hate and ignorance must be confronted head on, and Holocaust Remembrance Day seems the perfect day to begin. As a clergy member, these recent events have left me bereft and downtrodden.   My faith is tested, and my sadness is all encompassing. ...