"Think of a a time in your life when you experienced a moment of holiness". This was an exercise often used by a teacher and colleague of mine, Rabbi Bob Abramson at various seminars and gatherings of educators and spiritual leaders. He purposely left the words 'moment of holiness' undefined, leaving it up to the participants to define for themselves. I was a participant a few times in this activity, and adopted it myself in various programs and sessions I have led. It is always powerful and thought provoking. People give widely differing responses to this charge. Some are simple and elegant; such as the hush of a morning dew, or the smile on a child's face. Others list crucial moments- birth of child, a wedding, or sunrise at the Grand Canyon. But all share something in common. All of these moments help transport the individual out of the ordinary into the extraordinary. The experience is transformative, if even for a moment, and ...
We are faith leaders representing many different traditions and congregations who seek to promote understanding, dialogue, and common purpose in our community. This space offers members of our association an opportunity to share reflections with the broader community. The writings represent our individual views, not the positions of the Association or of our respective congregations. We aim to model dialogue that welcomes a diversity of ideas and perspectives grounded in friendship and respect.