I had a blog post all ready to go. And then I went onto Facebook and saw this posting. After reading this post, I changed my blog entry completely. The Facebook post was made by a colleague who works as an inclusion specialist at a large Jewish congregation in Westchester. This woman is my mentor and my friend, and every time we interact, which is not as often as I would like, I learn something hugely valuable from her. She passed on the beautiful poem (below) from a family that she has gotten to know over the years. The son has Tourette's Syndrome and is celebrating his Bar Mitzvah this weekend. In honor of his (becoming a) Bar Mitzvah, her son has dedicated himself to informing the public about Tourette's syndrome and becoming an advocate for kids like him. The mom has written this poem about her son's daily struggles and asked that synagogues read the poem from the pulpit this Shabbat. So far, 21 synagogues from around the country have signed on!
I thought it was so insightful and important, that I would share it with you here.
Please help spread this message of advocacy in your own networks by passing on Jennifer and Noah Block's Poem.
Happy Bar Mitzvah Noah! You certainly have become our teacher this Shabbat!
Cantor Marcey Wagner
Temple Isaiah of Stony Brook
I thought it was so insightful and important, that I would share it with you here.
Please help spread this message of advocacy in your own networks by passing on Jennifer and Noah Block's Poem.
Happy Bar Mitzvah Noah! You certainly have become our teacher this Shabbat!
Cantor Marcey Wagner
Temple Isaiah of Stony Brook

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